A. Bibliography of publications about Iconclass and of publications using Iconclass for iconographic indexing.
Our aim is to offer a comprehensive overview of the articles, book chapters, indices, reports, theses, etcetera, dealing in some way with Iconclass. Wherever possible - and allowed by copyright regulations - we have included full text versions. Some of the full texts were not available in electronic format; then we have included scans of their printed format. We are grateful for all additional references.
H. van de Waal, De rangschikking en catalogiseering van een topografischen atlas. Oudheidkundig Jaarboek 9 (1940), pp 14-25
H. van de Waal, Zeventiende eeuwsche uitbeelding van den Bataafschen Opstand. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de Letteren en Wijsbegeerte aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. Leiden, July 12th, 1940 full text
- H. van de Waal, Traditie en Bezieling. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleraar in de Kunstgeschiedenis aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden op 22 maart 1946. (Rotterdam/Antwerpen, Ad Donker 1946) full text with a transcript of the original Dutch text full text and an English translation full text
- H. van de Waal, Some principles of a general iconographical classification. Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress on the History of Art, pp. 601–606, 1955
- H. van de Waal, Propositions pour une méthode générale de classification iconographique. 2ème Congrès. Florence, 28 September – 1 October 1960 (typescript of a lecture) full text
- H. van de Waal, Some principles of a general iconographical classification. In: Actes du Cinquième Congrès International d’Esthétique / Proceeding of the Fifth International Congress of Aesthetics (Amsterdam, 1964), La Haye 1968, pp. 728–33 full text
- ¶ H. van de Waal, Decimal Index of the Art of the Low Countries D.I.A.L., Abridged edition of the Iconclass System. (The Hague, 1968; 2nd edition 1971) full text
¶ Th.A.G. Wilberg-Vignau-Schuurman, Die emblematischen Elemente im Werke Joris Hoefnagels. Leiden Dissertation (2 volumes) (supervisor: H. van de Waal). Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1969. In particular volume 1, pp. 277-358 (Index by Iconclass notation, in accordance with the system’s version of 1969!) full text
H. v.d. Waal, Système de classification iconographique “ICONCLASS” et la collection de reproductions D.I.A.L. (Decimal Index of the Art of the Low Countries) . Lecture delivered at the Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique “Bibliographie d’ Histoire de l’Art”, Paris 25-26 March, 1969 full text
- ¶ D.L. Couprie, Methodologische overwegingen bij een iconografische classificiatie
(This case study was produced as part of a philosophical investigation into the methodology of various human sciences by an interdisciplinary research group under the supervision of Prof. Dr. C.A. van Peursen at Leiden University, about 1970. At that time, this paper’s circulation was limited. After so many years, the copy of the paper was in a too poor a condition to be reproduced, so the author decided to retype it, correcting only evident mistakes, such as typos and incorrect numbering of some notes.) full text
- F. v.d. Walle, P.L.W. Aerts, Memo 4-71-31: Globale analyse Iconografisch Bibliografie Systeem. Typescript (Amsterdam, Infonet, 1971) full text
- H. van de Waal, A general system for filing photographs according to their subject matter. Lecture, St. Gallen, 22-28 August 1971 full text
- H. v.d. Waal, Iconclass an iconographic classification system, completed and edited by L.D. Couprie with R.H. Fuchs, E. Tholen & G. Vellekoop (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1974-1985). 17 volumes. General Introduction (volume 2/3) full text
- R.H. Fuchs, Henri van de Waal, 1910-1972, In: Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1972 - 1973), pp. 4-7
1976-77 reviews
- J. Becker, In: Simiolus, 9 (1977), pp 45–47
- J.B. Trapp, In: The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 118, No. 884 (Nov., 1976), p. 778
- L.D. Couprie, Iconclass. A Device for the Iconographic Analysis of Art Objects, In: Museum, 30 (1978), pp. 194–98 full text
- J. Pałubicki, Kilka uwag na marginesie systemu ‘Iconclass’ Van de Waala [Some remarks on Van de Waal’s Iconclass system]. In: Problemy interpretacji dzieła sztuki i jego funkcji społecznych [Problems of interpretation of works of art and their social functions], ed. K. Kalinowski, Poznań 1980, pp. 169–74.
- L.D. Couprie, Iconclass: An Iconographic Classification System, In: Art Libraries Journal, 8 (1983), pp. 32–49 full text
1985 (circa)
- ¶ Hélène Mazur (a.o.), De ten behoeve van de "Goltzius-index" uitgebreide set van koppelingstekens. (actually a proposal for a set of symbols to express complex relationships between Iconclass concepts (the proposal was never implemented (HB)) full text
- R. van Straten, Panofsky and Iconclass. In: Artibus et Historiae, Vol. 7, No.13 (1986), pp. 165-181 full text
- C. Richter Sherman, Iconclass: A Historical Perspective. In: Visual Resources, Vol IV (1987), pp 237-246 full text
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, book illumination as a source of iconographic information. Gazette du livre médiéval, No 10, Printemps 1987, pp. 10-14 full text
- C. Gordon, Report on the ICONCLASS Workshop November 2-4, 1987, In: Visual Resources, Vol. V, no. 3 (1988), pp. vii-ix, 197-258 [?]
- R. van Straten, L.D. Couprie, Corrections of the Iconclass system. In: Visual Resources, Vol. V (1988), pp 123-134 doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01973762.1988.9659170
- H. Roberts, "Do you have any pictures of .....?" : subject access to works of art in visual collections and book reproductions, In: Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Fall 1988, pp 87-90. doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.1086/adx.7.3.27947910
- Ikonographie und die Iconclass-Datei. In: L. Heusinger, Marburger Informations-, Dokumentations- und Administrations-System (MIDAS). Handbuch, (K.G. Saur, München etc. 1989), section 60 Ikonographie, pp 361-424. See full text of this section.
- H.E. Roberts, R. Hall, Iconographic Index to Old Testament Subjects Represented in Photographs and Slides of Paintings in the Visual Collections, Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, New York: Garland, 1989
- K. van der Horst, Illuminated and Decorated Medieval Manuscripts in the University Library, Utrecht. An Illustrated Catalogue. Maarssen/The Hague, 1989 = ISBN 90-6179-086-7 [also: Cambridge; New York; Cambridge University Press 1989] full text of the list of used Iconclass notations.
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, P. van Huisstede, Dutch Printer's Devices (prototype). CD-ROM edition. First CD-ROM production integrating a complete version of the Iconclass system in a pictorial information system. Den Haag, 1991.
- Kitty Kilian, Iconclass: het Esperanto van de kunstgeschiedenis. NRC, 6 july 1991 full text
- G. Labrot, Collections of Paintings in Naples 1600-1780. München, 1991
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, P. van Huisstede, Report on the Iconclass Workshop, June 26-28, 1989. Special Issue of Visual Resources, Vol VIII, 1991, pp i-xiv and pp 1-78 full text
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, P. van Huisstede, Iconclass: Recent Developments, Visual Resources, Vol VIII, 1992 pp 367-382 full text
- J. v.d. Berg, J.P.J. Brandhorst, J.W.J.M. Broeren, P. van Huisstede, B. Jongejan, G.J. Duijfjes-Vellekoop. ICONCLASS Browser User’s Guide, Utrecht, 1992 full text
- H.E. Roberts, R. Hall, Iconographic Index to New Testament Subjects Represented in Photographs and Slides of Paintings in the Visual Collections, Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, vol. I: Narrative Paintings of the Italian School, Garland Publishing: New York 1992; vol. II: Christian Devotional Painting of the Italian School, Routlege : New York, London 2001.
- I. Lavin, Iconography as a Humanistic Discipline ("Iconography at the Crossroads"). In: B. Cassidy (ed.), Iconography at the Crossroads. Papers from the colloquium sponsored by the Index of Christian Art Princeton University, 23-24 March 1990, pp. 33-41, in particular pp. 39-40
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, Quantifiability in Iconography. In: Knowledge Organization 20(1993)No. 1, pp 12-19, 29
- Angelika Grund, Iconclass. On Subject Analysis of Iconographic Representations of Works of Art. In: Knowledge Organization 20(1993)No. 1, pp 20-29
- G.J. Nauta, HYPERICONICS: Hypertext and the Social Construction of Information about the History of Artistic Notions. In: Knowledge Organization 20(1993)No. 1, pp 35-46 DOI
- A. E. Cawkell, Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Information Technology and Systems,(Bowker, 1993), in the lemma IMAGES, pp 132-154 dr Catherine Gordon describes the use of iconclass at the Witt Library
- C. Gordon, Analysis of Shakespeare. A complete listing of scenes for the expansion of 83(...) [unpublished] full text
- ¶ J.P.J. Brandhorst, P. van Huisstede, Analysis of the Iconclass files in Leiden, Marburg and London. Unpublished report, in preparation of an Iconclass Machine Readable Version (IMRV). Replaced by the stand alone Iconclass Browser. Utrecht, Computer & Letteren, Version 2, 1993, with handwritten annotations by Ger Duijfjes-Vellekoop full text
- R. van Straaten, Iconography, indexing, ICONCLASS: a handbook, Foleor, Leiden 1994.
- R. van Straaten, An Introduction to Iconography: Symbols, Allusions and Meaning in the Visual Arts (Documenting the Image), (Routledge, 1994), i.p. Chapter 7: Iconclass: A New Method of Research in Iconography, and the appendix: An Overview of the Iconclass System
- Russische Avantgarde. Sammlung Ludwig. Museum Ludwig, Köln. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1995
- Gedruckte Porträts 1500-1618 aus der Graphischen Sammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1995
- Italienische Zeichnungen 14. bis 18. Jahrhundert. Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1995
- Photographische Perspektiven aus den 20er Jahren. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1995
- Marburger Index Datenbank. Wegweiser zur Kunst in Deutschland. I. Ausgabe 1995. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, [ISBN 3-598-40280-5]
- C. Gordon, Patterns and benefits of subject enquiry in an ICONCLASS database - abstract, In: VRA Bulletin, 23, no. 2, 1996, p 22
- Politische Abzeichen der Kaiserzeit und der Weimarer Republik. Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1996
- Politische Allegorien und Satiren aus der Graphischen Sammlung des Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1996
- Plakate des Ersten Weltkrieges. 1914-1918. Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1996
- Wallraf-Richartz-Museum Köln. Gemälde- und Skulpturenbestand. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1996
- Die Gemälde der Nationalgallerie. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1996
- Marburger Index Datenbank. Wegweiser zur Kunst in Deutschland. 2. Ausgabe 1996. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, [ISBN 3-598-40340-2]
- Willlem F. Lash, 'Iconography and Iconology', in: Dictionary of Art, London 1996, vol. 15, p. 89-98.
- B.A. Rosier, The Bible in print. Netherlandish Bible Illustration in the Sixteenth Century (2 Vols). Foleor, Leiden, 1997
- Marburger Index Datenbank. Wegweiser zur Kunst in Deutschland. 3. Ausgabe 1997. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, [ISBN 3-598-40367-4]
- 1848 - Politik, Propaganda, Information und Unterhaltung aus der Druckerpresse. Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1998
- Filmplakate der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (1910-1955). ÖNB, Wien. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1998
- Gamälde Galerie Berlin. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1998
- Courtauld Gallery Paintings. Illustrated Catalogue. Witt Library, Courtauld Institue of Art, University of London. CD-ROM, 1998
- Edward B. Garrison, Italian Romanesque Panel Paintings. An Illustrated Index. Garrison Collectino, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London. CD-ROM, 1998
- C. Togneri, ICONCLASS and Its Application to Primary Documents. In: C. Hourihane (ed.) Image and Belief. Studies in Celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the Index of Christian Art. (Princeton, 1999), pp 259-271
- J. van den Berg, G.J. Duijfjes-Vellekoop, Translating ICONCLASS and the Connectivity Concept of the Iconclass2000 Browser. In: C. Hourihane (ed.) Image and Belief. Studies in Celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the Index of Christian Art. (Princeton, 1999), pp 291-307
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, Ululas Athenas: Owls to Athens. In: C. Hourihane (ed.) Image and Belief. Studies in Celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the Index of Christian Art. (Princeton, 1999), pp 271-290
- P. van Huisstede & J.P.J. Brandhorst, Dutch Pinter’s devices. 15th-17th century. A Catalogue with CD-ROM (3 Vols). Nieuwkoop, 1999
[reviewed by: M. Baca, In: Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Fall 2000), pp. 52-53]
- E. Posthumus, Libertas Browser
- Katalog der Zeichnungen. Kunstsammlung der Universität Göttingen. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1999
- Plakate der SBZ/DDR. Politik, Wirtschaf, Kultur. Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 1999
- Marburger Index Datenbank. Wegweiser zur Kunst in Deutschland. 5. Ausgabe 1999. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, [ISBN 3-598-40424-7]. CD 1: Von der Antike bis 1800
- Iconclass / [Henri van de Waal] ; edizione italiana a cura di Marco Lattanzi, Simona Ciofetta, Elena Plances - Rome : ICCD, 2000 - 8 volumes: 7 system volumes and an Introduction. (see: full text of the Introduction volume)
See: http://www.iccd.beniculturali.it/it/152/pubblicazioni-iccd/4116/iconclass
- Nationalgalerie. Gesamtverzeichnis der Gemälde und Skulpturen. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. CD-ROM, produced by Computer & Letteren (U. of Utrecht) for KG Saur, 2000
- J. v.d. Berg, J.P.J. Brandhorst, P. van Huisstede, Image and word: systematic research into the relations between image and word in Dutch culture (1500-1800). In: A. Bolvig, P. Lindley (eds), History and images: towards a new iconology. Turnhout, Brepols, 2003, pp. 107-129
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, Using Iconclass for the Iconographic Indexing of Emblems. DigiCULT Publications, 2004 full text
- M. Gallo, Cenni sulla diffusione del browser di Iconclass, In: Studi di storia dell'arte, iconografia e iconologia : la biblioteca del curioso, Roma : Gangemi, [2007], pp. 377-383
- K. Stanicka-Brzezicka, System klasyfikacji ikonograficznej Iconclass: charakterystyka, przykłady zastosowania, problemy [Iconclass: system of iconographical classification - characteristics, usage, problems]. In: Nowoczesne metody gromadzenia i udostępniania wiedzy o zabytkach [Modern methods of gathering and proliferating knowledge on art heritage], Wrocław 2008, pp. 29-34 (Cyfrowe Spotkania z Zabytkami, 1)
- Hidenobu KUJIRAI, ICONCLASS : Iconographic classification system (Special feature - Classification, with a fresh eye). In: The Journal of Information Science and Technology Association Vol. 58(2008), issue 2, pp 57-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18919/jkg.58.2_57. full text
- E. Posthumus, J.P.J. Brandhorst: http://www.iconclass.org: the online browser of the ICONCLASS system. It was officially launched on November 10th, 2009, but actually operational since 2006 with a slightly different stylesheet. (Since the launch some 2,000 corrections and expansions were incorporated in the online system.)
- N. Motohashi, K. Yamauchi and T. Takagi, "Improvement of bag of visual words using Iconclass," 2010 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, Toronto, ON, 2010, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/NAFIPS.2010.5548294.
- L. Couprie, Iconclass. In: Henri van de Waal. Bundel ter gelegenheid van zijn honderdste geboortedag. 3 maart 1910/3 maart 2010. Leiden, 2010, pp. 33-45.
- Katrin Weller, Knowledge Representation in the Social Semantic Web. In: Knowledge and Information, K. G. Saur 2010 pp. 46-49
- B. Jongejan, Intricate Natural Language Processing made easier with Symbolic Computation software: Pattern Matching lessons from Bracmat [see also: http://jongejan.dk/projects/]
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, ICONCLASS: a key to collaboration in the Digital Humanities. In: C. Hourihane (ed.) The Routledge companion to medieval iconography (London, 2019), pp 201-219. full text of the author's manuscript.
- Carvalho, Rosário Salema de. “To be part of... Architecture, Decoration or Iconography. Documenting Azulejo as integrated heritage.” ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-2/W6 (2019): 39–46.. full text
- ¶J.P.J. Brandhorst, A word is worth a thousand pictures. Why the use of Iconclass will make Artificial Intelligence smarter. Lecture presented at the conference "Changing Frontiers: Iconographic Archives in the Past and Present" on October 13th 2019, at University of Chicago Center in Beijing. (Chinese translation published in 2022, see below) English manuscript version: full text
- Kabashi, Anyla. 2019. “Iconclass – classification system for art and iconography”. Tese de Graduação, Faculdade de Humanidades e Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Zagreb (https://repozitorij.ffzg.unizg.hr/islandora/object/ffzg:639) full text
- Carvalho, Rosário Salema de, and João Pedro Monteiro. São Tiago no Azulejo Barroco Português. Ad Limina 11, no. 11 (2020): 213–42. https://www.caminodesantiago.gal/pt/conocimiento-e-investigacion/ad-limina/ad-limina-xi.
- Carvalho, Rosário Salema de Carvalho. The Iconographic Role of Azulejo Frames. Word & Image 36, no. 2 (2020): 135–65.
- Banari, N., Daelemans, W. and Kestemont, M., Neural Machine Translation of Artwork Titles Using Iconclass Codes. In: Proceedings of the The 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, December 2020, pp 42-51 full text
- R. Tumanov, G. Viehhauser, A. Feldmann, B. Koller, Graph-Based Paths through a Narrative Corpus of Images: A Digital Edition of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo’s Divertimento per li regazzi Based on the CIDOC CRM. In: Tara Andrews, Franziska Diehr, Thomas Efer, Andreas Kuczera and Joris van Zundert (eds.): Graph Technologies in the Humanities - Proceedings 2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org - also downloadable here as full text
- Leo, L. On the Developments of the Iconographic File Authority: New Research Perspectives. Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 10, 13.
- Cetinic, E. Towards Generating and Evaluating Iconographic Image Captions of Artworks. J. Imaging 2021, 7, 123. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging7080123 full text
- Banari, N., Daelemans, W. and Kestemont, M., Multi-modal Label Retrieval for the Visual Arts: The Case of Iconclass.. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 622-629, ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8 full text
- ¶ J.P.J. Brandhorst (with contributions by Angela Kailus a.o.), Revising Iconclass section 32B human races, peoples; nationalities. full text of the explanation and a listing of the revised concept definitions.
- ¶ J.P.J. Brandhorst, The extended hand. The description and retrieval of an iconographic detail. Unpublished manuscript - comparing how the Index of Medieval Art and Iconclass deal with a gesture. full text
- M. Lampe, Diskriminierende Begriffe und Wissensordnungen im Bildarchiv. Ein postkoloniale Perspektive am Beispiel des Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur. Berliner Handreichungen zur Bibliotheks-und Informationswissenschaft. Heft 481. full text
- S. Baroncini, M. Daquino, F. Tomasi, Modelling Art Interpretation and Meaning. A Data Model for Describing Iconology and Iconography. (Author manuscript deposited in ArXiv). full text
- F. Milani, P. Fraternali, A Dataset and a Convolutional Model for Iconography Classification in Paintings. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Vol. 14, Issue 4, Article no. 46, pp 1-18 https://doi.org/10.1145/3458885. The Dataset is available on https://artdl.org/.
- 汉斯·布兰德霍斯特,《一词抵千图:为什么使用 Iconclass 会让人工智能更加聪明》,见《世界 3:图像志文献库,巫鸿,郭伟其,主编,上海:上海人民出版集团, 2022 年 [Hans Brandhorst, "A Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Why the Use of Iconclass Will Make Artificial Intelligence Smarter," in World 3: Iconographic Archives, ed. Wu Hung, Guo Weiqi (Shanghai: Shanghai People's Press, 2022), pp 35-81]
- ¶ J.P.J. Brandhorst, Meaningful patterns. Can a mix of pattern matching and computer-assisted classification produce a paradigm shift in iconography?
In: C. Fabian (ed.), Faszination (Buch-) Handschriften im Jahr 2022. Tradition und Zukunft ihrer Erschliessung in Bibliothek und Wissenschaft. (Bibliothek und Wissenschaft 55, Wiesbaden, 2022), pp. 287-306. An expanded manuscript version is available here as full text
- Magdalena Łanuszka, Blogpost about her Polish Translation of Iconclass.
- Baroncini, S., Sartini, B., Erp, M. van, Tomasi, F., Gangemi, A, Is dc:subject enough? A landscape on iconography and iconology statements of knowledge graphs in the semantic web In: Journal of Documentation Vol. 79, No. 7 (2023), pp. 115-136 baroncini_jod_vol79
- Banari, N., Daelemans, W. and Kestemont, M., Transfer Learning for the Visual Arts: The Multi-Modal Retrieval of Iconclass Codes In: Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, accepted August 2022; published March 2023 pp. 1-17
- M.F. Wu, J.P.J. Brandhorst, M.-C. Marinescu, J. More Lopez, M. Hlava, J. Busch Automated metadata annotation: What is and is not possible with machine learning In: Data Intelligence (2023) 5(1), pp 122–138. full text
- C. Santini, E. Posthumus, M.A. Tan, O. Bruns, T. Tietz, H. Sack, Multimodal Search on Iconclass using Vision-Language Pre-Trained Models (Author manuscript deposited in ArXiv full text
- K. Labusch, C. Neudecker, Gauging the Limitations of Natural Language Supervised Text-Image Metrics Learning by Iconclass Visual Concepts full text
HIP '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (August 2023), pp 19–24
- B. Sartini, S. Baroncini, M. van Erp, F. Tomasi, A. Gangemi, ICON: An Ontology for Comprehensive Artistic Interpretations In: ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Volume 16, Issue 3, Article No. 59 (August 2023), 38 pages full text
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, Enriching image collections with Iconclass: can it be automated? A Datalab case study. The text is posted on the Datalab website, and available here in open access full text
- J.P.J. Brandhorst, Standardization at Babel. Iconclass at the next level: a laboratory for image research. Author manuscript, submitted to: Art Libraries Journal full text
- J.P.J. Brandhorst & E. Posthumus, One key to open all locks …? Connecting hybrid sources of culture and scholarship with Iconclass and A.I. Blog posted on the Blog site of the Consortium of European Research Libraries, on June 18, 2024
- A. Adamou & D. Picca, Assesing the Expressivity of Iconclass to Embody Emotional Features in Classical Iconography. full text
- C. van den Heuvel, Henri van de Waal’s (1910-1972) unfinished Beeldleer: Exploring new potentials of an iconological classification for the history of the arts in: Oud Holland – Journal for Art of the Low Countries Vol. 137, Issue 4, pp. 201-236
- C. van den Heuvel, 'Globus iconographicus'. Kartografie en classificatie in: Caert-Thresoor, jaargang 43, no. 2, pp. 20-26
ICONCLASS INDEXES, a series published by Roelof van Straaten
ICONCLASS Indexes: Dutch Prints
Vol. 1/1 Early Netherlandish Prints I: Lucas van Leyden and his contemporaries - 2012
Vol. 1/2 Early Netherlandish Prints II: Minor masters of the middle Sixteenth Century
Vol. 2 Maarten van Heemskerck and his school : an iconographic index to the New Hollstein Dutch (Galle and van Heemskerck). - 2008.
Vol. 3/1 Antwerp Masters 1: Cort, Van Groeningen, Van der Borcht - 2009.
Vol. 3/2 Antwerp Masters 2: The Wierix Family - 2010.
Vol. 3/3 Antwerp Masters 3: The Collaert Dynasty ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2011.
Vol. 3/4 Antwerp Masters 4: Book Illustrations: Peeter van der Borch ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2012.
Vol. 3/5 Antwerp Masters 5: Book Illustrations: Van den Broeck, Collaert, Van Groeningen, Wierix ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2014.
Vol. 3/6 Antwerp Printmakers 6: Johan Sadeler I ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2015.
Vol. 3/6A Antwerp Printmakers 6A: Raphael I and Aegidius II Sadeler ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2016.
Vol. 4 Hendrik Goltzius and his School. An iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le Peintre-Graveur, vol. 3. - 1994.
Vol. 5/1 The Pre-Rembrandt Generation I: Frisius, De Gheyn, Hondius and Van Mander - 2013.
Vol. 5/2 The Pre-Rembrandt Generation II: The Northern Minor Masters ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2014.
Vol. 5/3 The Pre-Rembrandt Generation III: Isaias and Jan II van de Velde / Claes Jansz. Visscher ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2015
Vol. 6 Rembrandt and his School (Rembrandt, Lievens, Van Vliet, Bol, etc.) Publication expected 2017
Vol. 7 The Seventeenth Century I. An iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le Peintre-Graveur, vols 1-2. - 1995.
Vol. 8 The Seventeenth Century II. An iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le Peintre-Graveur, vols 4-5. - 1995.
ICONCLASS Indexes: Early German Prints (Leiden : Foleor , 1995-)
Volume 1 Martin Schongauer and his School : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur, vols. 6-10, - 1995 (e.g. Master ES, Schongauer, van Meckenem, von Olmütz)
Volume 2 Albrecht Dürer and his Time, I : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur, vol. 7. - 1996 (e.g. Dürer, Burgkmair, Cranach, Baldung Grien)
Volume 3 Albrecht Dürer and his Time, II : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur, vol. 8. - 1998 (e.g. Altdorfer, Beham, Aldegrever, Hopfer)
Volume 4 Virgil Solis and his Time : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur, vol. 9 [part 1]. - 1999 (e.g. Solis, Ladenspelder, Deutsch, Stimmer)
Volume 4A German Masters 1550 - 1600 (e.g. Amman, Lorch, and the Monogrammists)
Volume 5/1 German Single-Leaf Woodcuts before 1500 ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2013
Volume 5/2 German Single-Leaf Woodcuts, 1500-1550 ; by Roelof van Straten. - 2015.
Volume 5/3 German Single-Leaf Woodcuts, 1550-1700
ICONCLASS Indexes : Italian prints, by R. van Straten, F. Laupichler, Doornspijk : Davaco 1987-1990
Vol. 1: Early Italian engraving : an iconographic index to A.M. Hind, Early Italian engraving, London 1938-1948. - 1987.
Vol. 2: Marcantonio Raimondi and his school : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur, vols. 14, 15 and 16. - 1988.
Vol. 3: Antonio Tempesta and his time : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, le peintre-graveur, vols. 12, 17 and 18. - 1987.
Vol. 4: The seventeenth century : an iconographic index to A. Bartsch, Le peintre-graveur, vols. 19, 20 and 21. - 1990.
ICONCLASS Indexes: Rembrandt and his school, Leiden : Foleor , 2000-
Volume 1 Paintings of the Rembrandt School I. Artists A - J : an iconographic index to W. Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, part I. - 2000. (e.g. Ferdinand Bol, Gerard Dou, Govaert Flinck and Samuel van Hoogstraten)
Volume 2 Paintings of the Rembrandt School II. Artists K - Z and Anonymous : an iconographic index to W. Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, part II. - 2001. (e.g. Salomon Koninck, Jan Lievens, Nicolaes Maes and Jan Victors)
Volume 3 Rembrandt and his school, Rembrandt drawings : an iconographic index to O. Benesch, The drawings of Rembrandt (2nd. ed. 1973). - 2002.
Volume 4 Rembrandt and his school, drawings of the Rembrandt school, artists a-j : an iconographic index to W. Sumowski, Drawings of Rembrandt School, part 1. - 2004.
Volume 5 Rembrandt and his school, drawings of the Rembrandt school, artists K-Z : an iconographic index to W. Sumowski, Drawings of Rembrandt School, part 2. - 2007.
Volume 6 Rembrandt and his school, Rembrandt paintings, an iconographic index to Bredius/Gerson and the volumes of the Rembrandt Research Project, by Roelof van Straten - 2011.
ICONCLASS Indexes: Early Netherlandish Painting (compiled by Y. Frossati-Okayama)
Volume 1 The Founders - 2002 (e.g. Bouts, Petrus Christus, van Eyck, Master of Flémalle, Geertgen tot Sint Jans, van der Weyden)
Volume 2/1 Bosch, and the Second Generation, I - 2003 (e.g. Bosch, David, Gossaert, Massys, Memling)
Volume 2/2 The Second Generation II - (e.g. Van Cleve, Gossaert, Van Orley, Patinier)
Volume 3/1 The Third Generation 1: Northern Artists - 2007 (e.g. Engelbrechtsz., van Heemskerck, van Leyden, Mostaert, Van Scorel)
Volume 3/2 The Third Generation 2: Southern Artists 1. - 2008.
Volume 3/3 The Third Generation 3: Southern Artists 2 and Pieter Bruegel. - 2010